Dark and Stormy

Men, haven’t a clue what to wear this fall? Follow Nature’s lead.
At 19, when most of us were figuring out how many days in a row we could get away with wearing the same outfit (two in the summer, five in the winter), Nick Torres was opening his own tailoring shop, Beyond Bespoke, in Midtown Manhattan. Even then, he already had years of experience under him—he’s a third-generation tailor.
The tailors in New York City who are willing to make house calls end up with some very influential publicists as loyal clients. Nick’s pinned up the likes of Kim and Kourtney Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. But he’s too modest to name-drop without some insistent prodding. Nick, now 30, doesn’t consider the celebs, A-list or not, to be his sustenance anyway. That would be the guys, young and clueless and older and misguided, who fill up his 12-hour days with consultations. His tack: Bring them along gently.
Since we’re not paying customers (yet), we told him he could be more forthcoming. —Scott Edwards
There’s a summer suit and a winter suit. Is there one for fall, too?
NT A fall suit’s less about the fabric since it’s a transitional season. Look for darker colors—shades of olive and brown—and maybe a small pattern. It should go without saying at this point, but make sure it’s a slim fit. Then pair it with a great trench coat.
Speaking of patterns, keep us ahead of the curve; what’s going to blow up this season?
Plaids and checks are going to be big again. And heather gray’s going to emerge as the signature color of the fall of 2016.
What are you most looking forward to wearing come the first hint of cooler temperatures?
A brown blazer that I just made. It’s got killer brass buttons and a removable hood.