Category Archives: Tidbits

orange county airport shuttle private services

Pros And Cons Of Airport Shuttle Services. What About Safety And Reliability

How Do You Know You’re Getting What You Pay For When You Choose A Shuttle Airport Ride?

At Airport Shuttle Orange County, we know that travelers in Southern California have plenty of options when it comes to Orange County airport transportation. While taxis and traditional shuttles have long been possibilities, the rise of Uber and similar services have also offered new options. However, we also know that all of these often have just as many drawbacks as benefits.

Let’s take a look at how the cons of these services can affect your travel experience, and why our airport shuttle service is far superior and more affordable.

  • Traditional shuttles—most traditional shuttles make money by planning multiple stops, picking up as many passengers as possible. This not only makes your travel time much longer, but also certainly less comfortable. This option offers a similar experience to taking public transportation, just on a slightly smaller scale. Airport Shuttle Orange County, on the other hand, offers direct transportation, never with any ride sharing.
  • Taxis—Unfortunately, the quality and safety of taxis varies greatly. They are not known for their cleanliness, and the drivers have a vested interest in keeping you in the vehicle for as long as possible. This means that they have no motivation to take the most direct routes, and their rates are usually on the higher-side. Our clean, comfortable shuttles offer a private experience, and our commitment to direct-route operations demonstrates our business model of trust, ethics, and safety.
  • Uber—This widely popular transportation service often feels more like a gamble than a reliable option. From late pick-ups to drivers who may not know the best routes, you could end up spending more on a sub-par experience than you would for a professional service. Our nonstop airport shuttle services, on the other hand, come with highly-trained drivers while still offering discount pricing.

We Offer Direct Shuttle Services, Never Any Ride Sharing… Use Us and Get There Faster & Cheaper Than Taxis or Uber.

If you need airport transportation, contact Airport Shuttle Orange County at (949) 250-9292 and discover how we can help you travel in safe, affordable, and timely comfort.

6 Reasons Why You Really Need Auto Insurance

Car accidents are relatively common in the United States, especially in metropolitan areas like Greater Los Angeles. The law says you need liability insurance when driving, but there are many benefits to bulking up your auto insurance.

Many take driving for granted; it’s something that isn’t a guaranteed right as it can be dangerous without proper knowledge of cars, the rules of the road and even insurance.

Here are a few reasons to purchase auto insurance.

  • Your car is a source of transportation. Without it, you will have a much more difficult time getting around. Sure, you can try to rely on buses or even trains in bigger cities, but once you’re used to having a car, you come to rely on it. You can get collision insurance or even comprehensive insurance to help protect it.
  • Without it, accidents can get extremely expensive. If you don’t have suitable insurance, accidents can be expensive—both for cars and people. Auto insurance often helps pay for medical bills should your accident injure others. You may find yourself in quite a bit of debt without it.
  • You’ll have to pay your car off even if it gets damaged. If your car is wrecked beyond drivability, you’ll still need to pay off the loan. Car insurance can definitely help with that. Missing loan payments can damage your credit and your chances of getting another car soon.
  • It can protect against other damages as well. Car accidents aren’t the only way to damage a car. Auto insurance can help should someone vandalize, steal or break into your car, easing the financial burden you’d otherwise face to fix or replace it.

ABout Author: To bulk up your auto insurance in Orange County CA, contact Peter Green Insurance. Call (714) 258-2800 or get a free quote online

The West Closure Complex Protects 3 Parishes In New Orleans From Flooding

West Closure Complex… Humble Name, Huge Expectations

After Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans in 2005, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was tasked with helping the State of Louisiana come up with a solution to control flooding in this vulnerable, low-lying area.

Part of their solution has an appropriately military-esque name… The Gulf Intercoastal Waterway (GIWW) – West Closure Complex and it’s a $1.1 billion engineering marvel consisting of earthen levees, floodwalls & other water control structures. It features a navigable, 225’ wide floodgate similar to what one would find protecting London from flooding on the River Thames. However, what makes the West Closure Complex unique is its mammoth pumping station. Powered by 11 Caterpillar diesel engines producing 5444 hp each, this facility is capable of filling an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just three seconds! This allows for the rapid removal of floodwaters from Orleans, Jefferson and Plaquemines parishes along the west bank of the Mississippi River.

The Coalition for Responsible Equitable Economic Development (CREED LA) proudly supports environmentally-responsible construction projects throughout Los Angeles that not only have a positive impact on the local community, but support LA’s working families as well.

About Author: CREED LA fights to ensure that developers pay fair wages to all the hard working construction professionals throughout the industry while simultaneously providing them with quality health care, continued training, and trustworthy retirement plans. To learn more about how our non-profit organization supports those building a better, greener world for us all, contact CREED LA at (877) 810-7473.

He Said, She Said. So What Is Cheating?

Men and women agree on this (usually): If you have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone of the opposite sex, it’s cheating. But what constitutes a sexual or romantic relationship? Surely having sex with someone else is cheating. But what about working late at night with a coworker who massages your aching back? Is that a sexual gesture? Or a romantic one? Is it cheating?

When you interject the Internet, there is a whole range of questions that men and women might answer differently. For example, if a man looks at porn, is that cheating? What if he watches it so much that it takes valuable time away from time he could be with his wife? What if he masturbates? What if he does it while thinking about someone else? What if he develops an intimate relationship with someone on Facebook?

Men v Women

Men and women often respond differently to these questions. Women value intimacy in a relationship and often perceive acts that men consider harmless as a betrayal. Studies show that women are generally more likely to find intimacy more important than men. They are also more likely to characterize something as cheating than men, like watching porn. And men are often likely to think those women are unreasonable.

So What Is Cheating?

It’s increasingly difficult to specify certain acts as infidelity, but here is the heart of the matter: When you violate your partner’s trust, then you have been unfaithful. The most upsetting aspect to many people of either gender is when intimacy is shared outside your marriage or partnership. You probably know in your heart that the late-night backrub at the office would upset your partner.

If you have to cover it up or if you deliberately avoid mentioning it, then you’ve broken trust. You’ve been intimate with someone else, and now you have to lie about it or commit the sin of omission—not telling your partner about it. That’s cheating.

Preventive Measures

You can avoid some problems by discussing what you both find acceptable behavior. Come to an agreement about your own personal definition of cheating as a couple. Sometimes the actual sex isn’t as much of a problem as the deception required to cover it up. That results in the loss of trust, which has a corrosive effect on relationships.

About Author: Nancy Travers is an Orange County Counseling professional. If you need safe, effective counseling services, please get in touch. You can reach her here:

When You Live With Peter Pan

The Peter Pan Syndrome:

Men who never grow up. You know the type. They get their own way, and if they don’t they sulk. Or even worse, throw a tantrum like a three-year-old. They manage to avoid responsibility and are usually charming about it.

That’s the problem. The adorable boyishness. The entrancing free spirit. These Peter Pan men are so endearing until you live with them. And then suddenly you’re the one doing the heavy lifting in the relationship. Because he won’t take responsibility for anything unless he already wanted to in the first place.

How come he never grew up?

Usually it’s a combination of factors that retards maturity in a man. Maybe he had hovering parents who did everything for him. They didn’t want him to make a mistake so they didn’t allow him to develop on his own. Maybe mom needed someone to dote on to fill her own needs and so never let him have a tough day in his life. And then there’s the long delay in being independent as he went through college, and then grad school and even further. Plus the bad economy that made him, like many adult children, rely even longer on his parents.

How do you know he’s emotionally stunted?

Just because a man is sometimes thoughtless doesn’t mean he’s immature. We’re all thoughtless on occasion. But when he puts his own needs before all others, it’s a sign. When he deliberately chooses to ignore paying the bills or other abdications of his responsibilities, that’s another sign. When he feeds his own ego with a fast car or high living that he can’t afford, it’s another. So is inappropriate behavior like sulking or tantrums. Blaming others for his woes. Refusing to accept reality. And he’s oh, so sensitive when you have hurt him but he’s a bull in a china shop with others.

How do you cope?

When you see a tantrum coming do you step in and try to distract him? Calm him down? Try to soothe him? Do you tiptoe around his feelings for fear he’ll explode like a toddler when he doesn’t get his way? Do you dread the times when you’re busy at work so you don’t have enough time and energy to give him all the attention he needs? Have you given up asking him to help with chores—or anything—that he doesn’t want to do? Do you routinely have to coax him out of a bad mood or a big sulk?

Can you make it better?

The trouble is, unless he wants to change, you can’t change him. But you can change the way you react to him. You can refuse to be his parent. You can refuse to enable his bad behavior. Once you realize you are living with Peter Pan, you must ask yourself if you want to continue living like this. If not, you need to try and disengage.

Step back and let him have his tantrums without intervening. Stop trying to manage his feelings. Stop paying the bills for him. Or making excuses for him. Have a frank talk with him and let him know you are no longer going to be the sole responsible party in your relationship. Let him experience the consequences of his behavior. This is the hardest thing to do, but don’t cave in. Or else your Peter Pan will surely continue to be a lost boy.

About The Author: Nancy Travers is an Orange County Counseling professional. If you need safe, effective counseling services, please get in touch. You can reach her here:

How Does Credit Card Security Translate Into Marketing Potential?

Broaden Your Marketing Efforts With An Emphasis On Safety And Security

With so many businesses competing for your customers, how can you capture their interest and attention? Modern marketing takes many avenues in order to spark the interest of potential customers, including traditional media sources, social media, and guerilla marketing. While every option offers its own merits, you may be missing out on an underlying yet important way to tip the scales in your favor. With hacking, information leaks, and fraud on the rise, secure payment processing may be more important to your customers than you expect.  With so many highly-publicized financial information breaches in recent history, the average consumer is even more informed and invested in their credit card transaction security.

How Does Security Translate Into Marketing Potential?

The global marketplace has changed drastically in the past three decades. We’ve seen our economy transition from heavily cash-based to almost exclusively credit/debit transactions. We also know just how prevalent online shopping and web-based commerce has become. With those changes, we’ve also experienced the adaptations that savvy criminals invented to keep up with the market. Your customers well know that their financial information is constantly under siege, and many of them have experienced identity theft or card cloning—even those that haven’t see the extensive news reports of hacking at several national retailers.

How should this reality translate into your marketing? The answer is simple and straightforward; the security-minded customer wants to spend his or her money with confidence. When you openly demonstrate your commitment to the best practices of secure payment processing, you give consumers the confidence they need to go from shoppers to buyers. With all options being relatively equal, your level of security could be the deciding factor for potential customers. From your homepage to your checkout, or within your physical storefront, security is not just a best practice, but it’s also an effortless marketing point that enhances your business.

About Author: AVPS can help transform your business into the most safe and secure operation possible. To learn how you can benefit from the latest credit card processing risk management solutions, contact us today, and let us help you capture those customers and grow your business.

Get Those Operating Costs Under Control with the Right Merchant Account Provider

Is your small business struggling under the weight of operating costs? Even those owners with a history of business experience and acumen can find that the tools they need eat too much into their profit margins. Payment processing, for example, seems like a system of fees you grudgingly must pay in order to provide your customers the convenience of debit and credit payments. In the modern market, you can’t forgo digital payment processing, either, but you can ensure that your retail merchant account is providing you the best and most affordable card processing solutions. Our AVPS team will help you determine if you can reduce those operating costs by giving your current payment processing a serious check-up. By taking a second look, you may find out that you are eligible for better rates.

Card Processing is Not “One Size Fits All”

Card processing set-ups that work for some businesses may not necessarily be right for yours. From mobile processing to retail storefronts, we specifically connect with our clients to understand their needs. When you partner with us, we’ll look at any factors to ensure we are giving you exactly the solutions you need:

  • Business type—Are you a wireless merchant/e-commerce business or do you have a physical brick and mortar location? (Or both?)
  • Customer volume—Will you need multiple payment terminals to accommodate your customers in a timely manner? If you have a website, how is your check-out process set up?
  • Physical location requirements—How your physical operations work may make some card processing equipment too large or restrictive. Mobile processing may be better for you.
  • Financial goals—Do you anticipate needing a merchant cash advance? We can help you better understand how your merchant account fits into your financial future and growth.

About Author: AVPS believes that, when you accept credit cards, your business should not feel like you are overburdened with hidden fees. Let us show you why businesses across the nation trust us with their retail merchant account needs. To learn more, contact a representative today!

Toughest Estate Clearing Challenges

Hoarding Recovery & Estate Clearing–
Why Our Approach Better Supports Your Family

When a parent passes away, his or her loved ones are often left with the enormous task of settling the affairs while still processing their grief. However, if that parent suffered from declining mental or physical health later in life, they may also find that the condition of his or her home has deteriorated greatly. While hoarding behaviors affect thousands of Americans, older people with health issues can be particularly susceptible. If you’ve discovered that your parent’s home is a much more serious project than you anticipated, consider seeking professional estate cleanout services, like those offered by Clutter & Hoarding Pros.

Unlike standard junk removal services, our team specializes in estate removal services in which we help cut through the mess and clutter to restore a property to livable or sellable conditions. We know that your family wants to recover precious mementos, valuables, and more. Rather than come in and empty the home, we take a layered, meticulous approach that respects the dignity of both your loved one and his or her possessions. We want to make this easy on your family and help you feel like you never have to bear any of this burden alone.

We encourage you to make a list of your goals. For example:

  • Are there particular items you are looking for that you believe are in the home?
  • Do you want some items to go to a local charity?
  • Are you hoping to sell the home, and if so, will you be doing any remodeling or major improvements?
  • Are you trying to salvage items to sell?
  • What is your timeline for project completion?

If you and your siblings are struggling with where to start on your parent’s estate, let us show you how we can transform the home while salvaging whatever you family needs.

About Author: Clutter & Hoarding Pros of Orange County CA, you will get an all-inclusive service
led by compassionate, honest people that walk with you every step of the way, from cleaning out your home to getting the proper post-care treatment you need.

Why Cyber Liability Insurance Is A Must Have For Your Online Business

Cyber liability insurance is one of the most under-utilized types of insurance around. Critical as it is, it’s still a mostly unknown entity to those who should be employing it, namely online-based business owners. The following is a basic primer that covers what it is and who needs it.

Who should have cyber insurance?

It’s widely held that anyone who does business online should have cyber insurance. Even the smallest of operations are vulnerable. Anyone who maintains a website that processes data from its customers runs a risk every day.

Some assume—wrongly—that they don’t have to be worried about compromised data because they have a third-party vendor that handles credit card information, but that doesn’t make them any less liable for damages in the event of a breach. In fact, you could be legally liable for anything passed along during an Internet connection.

What is covered by cyber liability insurance?

Cyber liability insurance is much like other types of liability insurance. If sales are really down because of an interruption to the business, cyber liability insurance can truly help out. If there is a data breach and notices must be sent to customers, cyber liability insurance covers that cost as well.

It’s a common misconception among those who have liability insurance for a small business that their policy will protect them from virtually everything and anything. But the reality is that it doesn’t shield you from online issues.

In so many ways, the Internet is the modern-day Wild West. New challenges seem to crop up by the hour, and there’s not nearly enough regulation or oversight to guard against even the majority of it. Do you really want to take the chance of leaving yourself exposed in that kind of environment?

Author: Peter Green Insurance LLC: We are an “independent” insurance agency on Orange County CA which means we are not locked in or bound to a specific insurance company allowing us to search many large and specialty insurance carriers on your behalf.

Do Not Let Legal Fears Hold You Back

Small businesses face many challenges, and the potential for liability issues or small business litigation often prevents many entrepreneurs from taking the leap. They perceive that we live in a “sue-happy” culture in which someone is always at the ready with an expensive legal claim. This makes them feel like financial risks are often not worth taking the chance to follow their passions. At Doyle Schafer McMahon, LLP, we understand these feelings of trepidation, which is why we are a firm of business litigation lawyers who want to support small businesses on their roads to success.

First and foremost, we believe that the best way to handle business litigation is to minimize your risk from day one. Small business start-ups always look for the most cost-effective ways to get their operations up and running. However, building your infrastructure with a strong legal foundation not only helps you now but also gives your business the protection it needs to safeguard against costly legal battles later.

When you consult with our legal team, we will help you identify all the necessary avenues that apply to your business. For example, many small businesses start out as cottage industries among friends, but as they grow, partnership disputes can quickly form. We want to believe that personal relationships can be separated from the inner-workings of our businesses, but history teaches us that this is rarely the case. Financial entanglements without proper legal support often undermine even the most promising entrepreneurial endeavors. With our help, you can build a strong foundation from the very beginning.

However, if you are already facing a business litigation issue, know that we provide the assistance you need to ensure that your interests are protected and your voice is heard. We believe that small businesses drive our economy and that they should never let fear or threats prevent them from reaching their potential. Whether you need a consultation or legal help now, we encourage you to contact our office at (949) 727-7077. Let us help you make your mark while remaining confident that you are protected.