Tag Archives: Credit Card Security

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How Does Credit Card Security Translate Into Marketing Potential?

Broaden Your Marketing Efforts With An Emphasis On Safety And Security

With so many businesses competing for your customers, how can you capture their interest and attention? Modern marketing takes many avenues in order to spark the interest of potential customers, including traditional media sources, social media, and guerilla marketing. While every option offers its own merits, you may be missing out on an underlying yet important way to tip the scales in your favor. With hacking, information leaks, and fraud on the rise, secure payment processing may be more important to your customers than you expect.  With so many highly-publicized financial information breaches in recent history, the average consumer is even more informed and invested in their credit card transaction security.

How Does Security Translate Into Marketing Potential?

The global marketplace has changed drastically in the past three decades. We’ve seen our economy transition from heavily cash-based to almost exclusively credit/debit transactions. We also know just how prevalent online shopping and web-based commerce has become. With those changes, we’ve also experienced the adaptations that savvy criminals invented to keep up with the market. Your customers well know that their financial information is constantly under siege, and many of them have experienced identity theft or card cloning—even those that haven’t see the extensive news reports of hacking at several national retailers.

How should this reality translate into your marketing? The answer is simple and straightforward; the security-minded customer wants to spend his or her money with confidence. When you openly demonstrate your commitment to the best practices of secure payment processing, you give consumers the confidence they need to go from shoppers to buyers. With all options being relatively equal, your level of security could be the deciding factor for potential customers. From your homepage to your checkout, or within your physical storefront, security is not just a best practice, but it’s also an effortless marketing point that enhances your business.

About Author: AVPS can help transform your business into the most safe and secure operation possible. To learn how you can benefit from the latest credit card processing risk management solutions, contact us today, and let us help you capture those customers and grow your business.