Tag Archives: MOO

The Glass That’ll Make You the Host with the Most

Philadelphia---mason---30421---1It’s a strange thing that the least-remembered part of a dinner party is the dinner itself. Unless, of course, the oven billows black smoke and dinner ends up being takeout from MOO. Otherwise, it’s all the other details that contribute to your guests feeling doted on (or neglected) from which they’ll score your capability as a host. And that’s why a glass is not just a glass. Mason Jars hint at a sense of style, but they won’t distinguish you. Not anymore. Mason jars etched with a map of Philly, however, illustrate both style and substance. The owner of said jars is someone who’s given careful consideration to the night’s nuances, which will be appreciated and only embellished with drunkenness. —Scott Edwards

theUncommonGreen | $15 | theuncommongreen.com

Photo credit: Courtesy theUncommonGreen.